If you are a college student or in a trade school, request your transcripts. I suggest either after you complete a semester/quarter, or training hours.
Too many times has it been seen where jobs are offered that either required degrees, college credits, or hours earned in trade, that they can't get through the onboarding process because that information can't be confirmed (Because it is required for the position). The easiest way to verify if you are having issues is to show your transcripts 👌
Too many times has it been seen where jobs are offered that either required degrees, college credits, or hours earned in trade, that they can't get through the onboarding process because that information can't be confirmed (Because it is required for the position). The easiest way to verify if you are having issues is to show your transcripts 👌
Same for when you finish. If the school does not automatically send your transcripts when you graduate, request them (Unofficial and official transcripts). Keep stored them in a place you will remember 🤔
Plus good way to track your progress 😉👍 Also seen where people didn't get their degree/diploma when they finished school (Especially if you owed them). If the school didn't automatically send it to you, request it during the final week ahead of time or ask the registrar about their process. Too many instances where school is shut down but they don't have their degree/diploma to prove they graduated. It's like throwing away an opportunity or a job offer. When you receive it, keep it stored or protected in a place you will have access to. If you have your diploma/degree and having issues with onboarding verifying your credentials, again, the easiest way to prove it is to show it 😉👌
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