I am very thankful to God for the path of jobs that was set for me from my teenage years to now. In my teens, I worked as a Daycare Assistant, Police Cadet, and concession stand volunteer. As I started to transition into adulthood I worked at a movie theater, as an assistant, Assistant manager for a few companies, bill collector, College Admissions Rep, in various functions in HR, and as Executive Director of my small nonprofit. I learned some ideal lessons from leaders in some of these roles that stuck with me until this day. Brenda D.: Everyone thought she was tough, well she was but she knew how to lead. I had to take everything in because I didn't at the time know how to be a supervisor. I really appreciated the time she took to meet with me before the store opened to help me adjust. She taught me to ask for help if needed and don't think you can do everything yourself. Norma J.: She was Store manager, I believe, at another location and took the time to come help me ...