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Tuesday Tip: Practice Your Elevator Speech

Whether you are preparing for an interview, presenting your portfolio or explaining intricate details about your business....learn how to communicate to market yourself verbally as well. One thing recruiters/managers despise is a candidate who can't communicate what they do or have done. Business to business as well. 

An elevator speech is a concise, well-practiced, and careful description of yourself, your profession, your business, or your product. It should be easy to convey in a short amount of time as it takes to ride an elevator just a few floors. 😉 This will help with that infamous question,"Tell me about yourself."
during a job interview  Also, can inadvertently be used to tell about your business or brand. 

Write it out and say it out loud to a friend or family member to get their feedback. Practice. Your elevator speech should be about 30 seconds minimum to about 1 minute max.

Here are a few ways to help you prepare your elevator pitch:
  1.  Introduce yourself
  2. Explain what you do now or in the past. Relevant to the job and or business need.
  3. Acknowledge your qualifications. How long you have been in your career.
  4. Highlight your goals, experiences, and something unique to help you stand out. Like awards, volunteerism, and unique stories about jobs or businesses.
What are some things you have said in your elevator speech? Comment to help someone else!

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