I've noticed as I am researching available jobs for teens in for our Facebook group, Dallas Teen Job Search, some online applications require a resume. Even if a teen never held a job, a resume can be done. I create and revamp resumes as a part of my nonprofit and wanted to share some tips for teens.
A resume is a document that highlights your skills, abilities, education and work experience. A resume is a job marketing tool. See example picture above 😉
Here are some pointers on what goes on a resume for a high school student even if you never held a job. Also, some main sections a basic student resume should have.- Contact information: First and last name, phone number and email address. Some would add full address but city and state where you reside is fine. This should always be at the top or listed first!
- Objective summary: This is a few sentences that summarize your qualifications for the job. List some of your strengths and skills that are most relevant to the job. An objective summary statement is a great way to quickly show the employer why you are a good, strong candidate.
- Education: Name of your high school, city/state, grade level, expected graduation date (Month/Year). You can also add G.P.A or school ranking.
- Honors/Awards and or Activities: Examples if you are in National Honor Society, Cheer Leading Squad (competitions), Football Team (what position, stats), Debate Team, Band (what instrument played, state awards), etc. List achievements too.
- Skills: You can include what you have learned in school. For example, if play sports, you have Teamwork Skills. If you were the captain, you have Leadership skills. Other skills can include Bilingual, Quick Learner, Organized, Hard Working, Willing to Learn, Courteous. For more skills you can add on your resume visit https://www.thebalancecareers.com/resume-skills-for-high-school-students-2063767
- Work Experience or Volunteer Experience: list any work experience if you have had a previous job, work study, or currently working. You can also list if you helped or assisted in your neighbors or neighborhood. Include your details of what you did at those jobs. If no previous work or volunteer expereince, do not put this section on your resume.
If you need assistance with formatting or writing your first resume, of course I can help! I have been doing resumes for almost 10 years now, mainly entry level and professional. Surely I can tackle a high school student resume!
If you are in the Dallas, TX area please join our Facebook group Dallas Teen Job Search: Job resources, job leads and tips. I try to post local jobs once per week.
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